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  YTLink Score - 8

This score is given based on various categories such as sound and video quality, editing, content and pace - on a scale from 0 to 10.

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$1 Pasta VS $15 Pasta : Which one is better ? Besides giving you a craving for pasta, Alex's video will leave you with a lot of knowledge about something that we usually never think about. With a very good pace and editing, this video is very easy and fun to watch. After watching this video you will have learned something about how pasta is made, how different process to make pasta change it's appearance and taste and how the texture can have a major effect on what you're cooking with the pasta (sauce per example).

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If you have even the tiniest interest in DIY or "tiny living" you should definitely watch this video. It's a complete modification of an old van into an actual functional motor home with plumming, hot water and eletrical instalation. Bernardo does a fantastic job in his videos - with his energy and editing style, all in all a very polished result, just like the van in the video.